Heyyy, guess who's baaaack!
Alright, so let me get this straight. I am definitely not one of those who wish others "Happy New Year" because I don't think its important or I'll just say this bluntly, yeah okay I find it stupid. (Calm your 'how dare she' instincts please if you're offended by this, I just happen to have a different opinion than yours, no big deal, right?)
BUT, I just happened to come up with the idea for this post, probably because I didn't want to stop writing here completely and needed to get my mind off some things.
So here, I happen to write some(I wrote the number 16 here initially but I couldn't come up with 16 different things, so yeah) random or important things that happened in 2016. I'm pretty sure most of you won't even understand the things stated here but its alright. Please don't bother asking me, by now you should know I don't like talking about what I write here.
Sooooooo, I did not get inducted during the first inductions, haha, now that I think about it, I find it so stupid but yeah, I was pretty sad when I did not get a position in the entity I worked for.
Then there was this "MOST TENSED I'VE EVER BEEN" period. Okay, so usually I do not worry about things, believe me when I say that I don't get tensed about stuff like this but I guess, around March, after we were done with our mocks, I had this weird tense feeling hovering over me. This was mostly because of CIEs, I sound like a nerd, haha, but that time was extremely unusual. I felt like I had a LOT to cope up with and didn't know what to start with. I remember Zainab asking me once in college if I was alright because I had this tense look on my face. I find that funny now. :p
Summers were pretty cool, I guess. Ramazan wasn't boring because we had work in college and then later, in July, we had a wedding to attend in Dubai, woohoooo! I still haven't received the photographer wali pictures yet, told you, Phoppho! I was pretty bummed about missing HoD, especially because I have friends who posted "have fun in Dubai" on their Snapchat stories ._. (screw you guys)
Prom was cool too, the whole saying no (67 times, haha) thing to finally agreeing (you know you suck, also, tell me when you read this :p)
Result then, tadaaaa, crying myself to sleep for three days because I couldn't manage to get an A in Biology, honestly, what do you have against me, you're a subject, for god's sake, STOP HATING ME.
Oh, haha, I forgot to mention the creep who stares and hazel green. G'aaah, I'm typing on a laptop right now, can't even add the moon emoji. Super awkward staring encounters and hazel green moving to California, never saw that coming too lol.
Alsooo, finally being the Project Manager of NLX. Who knew we would have to be in college at 9:00 am in winter vacations? *sighs*
But then again, I guess 2016 wasn't pretty bad after all, who am I kidding, it was actually really cool. :')
I guess I'll end the post here and go back to worrying about MCAT tuitions, along with dreaming about getting into AKU and DOW.
"Until next time?" *winks*
tmhe pasand hain cats ?